Hey there 👋, thanks for checking a more extensive version of my humble brag!
This corner of the internet helps me clarify and improve my thinking. It's a mechanism to cope with the chaotic world of information and try to make sense of things whilst resolving various internal conflicts and improving the meta-game in the rapidly changing world.
I currently work as software engineer with Meta(Facebook). In my free time, you can find me in the gym or laying on my bed 🤓. Frequently I try to go out and see the outside world, because inside bad outside good. I love to travel and explore different places, as of now I have seen 5 different countries. I have previously worked with Directi(Meida.net) and BrowserStack. Skills that other people see in me are dtrong data structures, algorithms and problem-solving skills, fast learner, technology enthusiast, impact-oriented.
I am driven by challenging, fast-paced, exciting, and educational environments. My areas of interest include web and mobile application development.